Company - 12/06/2019

ATX West 2019

NSK Welcomes Visitors to ATX East 2019

NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) announces that NSK Americas will exhibit their products and technologies at ATX East 2019 held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, NY USA, from June 11 through June 13.

For over 36 years industry professionals have been traveling to New York City to experience the newest innovations for medtech, automation, packaging and much more. ATX East (Automation Technology East), is a collaboration show with MD&D (Medical Design & Manufacturing East), Atlantic Design & Manufacturing, PLASTEC East, EastPack and Quality Expo. This exposition is projecting to host more than 8,000 qualified buyers and decision makers during the three-day exposition and gives over 550 exhibitors the opportunity to demonstrate products and services to attendees.

NSK has traditionally been known for very high-quality, high reliability core products like linear guides, linear actuators, direct drive motors, ball screws and bearings. Integrated Systems combine these core products so that NSK can ament machine function or production assembly and make machines preform at a higher level. NSK optimizes systems to perform better, as well as improve the quality, durability and lifetime.

On display at ATX East, NSK will demonstrate several integrated systems.

Monocarrier and megatorque motor integrated system, is a three axis XYZ linear actuator that can position the nozzle tip pipette for example with aspiration or dispense of fluids. The direct drive motor is a very high-resolution motor that has about 2.6 million steps per revolution and it has a very high torque. Almost anywhere on the well plate the system can be programed to allow for very high accuracy and high precision, motion and control.

Robotte Demo-
The Robotte Demo displays a hollow ball spline, double rotation system. Two motors that control different degrees as well as direction of rotation. Traditionally used for SCARA robots where linear motion or Z linear motion are required, in order to rotate in different axes.

Pen Demo-
Utilizing NSK’s motorized ball screw actuator/MBSA, a combination of a miniature ball screw with a stepper motor in one compact size. This demo also features NSK’s megatorque motor and a linear actuator that allows the motion to pick up a pen, move it forward, rotate and then release the pen into someone’s hands.

Dime Demo-
This system shows NSK’s two smallest linear actuators, the MCM O2 moving on the XY axis and a direct drive motor or megatorque motor. The Dime Demo can move at high speeds and position the coins in time for the pickup by the motocarrier.

To learn more about NSK automation solutions, please visit
Come experience NSK at ATX East booth #2144.