Mood 3 Products

Toughcarrier - TCH Series

Toughcarrier, TCH

Toughcarrier TCH Series is a super high load capacity single-axis actuator. The rolling guide elements have been changed from balls to rollers. This design allows for greater load carrying capacity and rigidity compared to standard Monocarrier products. TCH Series is interchangeable with Monocarrier MCH Series.

Condition Description

  • High Load


  • Machine Tools

Product Features

  • Rolling guide elements have been changed from balls to rollers


  • Greater load capacity compared with a standard Monocarrier
  • Load ratings and rigidity are more than doubled. Up to 4 times better in a compressed direction
  • Interchangeable with Monocarrier MCH Series.
TC H 10 030
Show Description
TC Toughcarrier Series
H H type standard / S type with optional parts
10 Rail width (mm)
030 Stroke (mm)