Ball Screws - HMS Series

HMS Series Ball Screws expand the high speed / low noise series into a fine lead zone, maintaining precision and improving machining efficiency through higher speed. HMS is suitable for high accuracy machine tool and medium size machine tool.
Condition Description
- High Accuracy
- High Load
- High Speed
- Low Noise
- Aerospace
Product Features
- High speed / acceleration improved to a dn-value of 160,000 by exchanging the metal return tube with a plastic recirculation system (SRC) with tangential ball pick up.
- High rigidity / accuracy:
- Adopted offset preload
- Short lead
- Multi start ≥ 4 - Reduced running noise over 5 dB(A) and reduction of 30-50% in vibration.
- High speed
- High accuracy
- High stiffness
- Low noise
- Low vibrations