Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A cement customer was experiencing repeated bearing failure on the blade support of a concrete pipe slotting machine. The failures were occurring every 2-3 months, causing 8 hours downtime per failure. NSK Engineers examined the application and determined that ingress of concrete dust was causing premature failure of the bearings. NSK recommended upgrading to Molded-Oil bearings, which would offer better service life. The change in bearing resulted in improved bearing performance with life increasing from 2-3 months to 12 months.

Cement, concrete pipe
  • Concrete pipe
Molded-Oil, Spacea, Comp
  • Molded-Oil

Key Facts

  • Concrete pipe slotting
  • Bearing replacement every 2-3 months with 8 hours downtime per failure
  • Concrete dust contaminated environment
  • NSK solution: Molded-Oil bearings
  • Significant reduction in downtime, replacement and maintenance costs
  • Bearing life increased from just 2-3 months to 12 months

Value Proposals

  • The customer experienced  bearing failures on a blade support for a concrete pipe slotting machine
  • Failed bearing analysis concluded that ingress of cement dust contaminated the grease and caused premature bearing failure
  • An application review concluded that the existing shielded Deep Groove Ball Bearings were inadequate for this application
  • NSK recommended Molded-Oil bearings with a DDU seal
  • A trial was conducted and the results showed no failures over a 12 month period
  • This resulted in a significant reduction in maintenance costs, improved productivity and zero lost production

Product Features

  • Molded-Oil provides continuous supply of lubrication oil
  • Stainless steel for corrosive environments
  • Grease-free property with no oil refilling keeps operating environments clean
  • Operating life more than twice as long as grease lubrication, in water or dust contaminated environments
  • Contact-seal type available in standard inventory for ball bearings
  • Achieves extended maintenance-free performance as Molded-Oil provides a continuous supply of lubricant
  • Available for high speed applications
  • Available on ball bearings, spherical roller bearings and tapered roller bearing types
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Engineering Costs: 4 failures per year Engineering Costs: No failures over one year
Costs of lost production: 8 hours downtime per failure
$1,270 per hour downtime costs
$40,640 Costs of lost production: NSK Molded-Oil bearings operated without failure for 12 months € 0
Total Costs $40,640 $0
