Mood, Industries, 1600x230


An international petrochemical products manufacturer wanted to expand the knowledge of their engineering team on rolling element bearings specific to the refinery. NSK was consulted and after a review of the plant designed customized training course, based on product knowledge, lubrication requirements, bearing application and failure analysis. The training was delivered in 3 sessions over a 2 day course given to 20 engineers. Training increased the engineers knowledge of bearing operations within their facility to offer increased performance and reliability.

Pumps, petrochemical plant
  • Petrochemical plant
Logo AIP NSK Experts 874x555
  • AIP

Key Facts

  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Need to expand engineering teams bearing knowledge
  • Required customized training on roller bearings specific to the refinery
  • NSK designed training specifically around the needs of the customer

Value Proposals

  • Customer request for customized training course on bearings maintenance for their engineering team.
  • NSK discussed with the customer the type of course content and topics required to satisfy their need. 
  • A custom training course was developed together along with future maintenance standards established.

Product Features

  • Training provided an overview of the range and capability of NSK bearings and their benefits
  • Application of NSK Bearings - Modular training menu focussing on those issues associated with the use and application of bearings
  • AIP Training - Introduction to NSK's Asset Improvement Program and how it can be used to offer solutions for machinery and plant issues.
  • Industry Specific Training - Specific training courses covering common issues, applications and processes for bearings in Industries such as Food & Beverage, Pumps & Compressors, Quarrying & Mining, Paper, Metals, Machine Tools and Railways.
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Training Costs: Customer used own methods for fitting and removal of bearings. Training Costs: Three training sessions organized and completed - each session consisting of half day training.
Specialized training course created with full support material for 20 employees.
Total cost including travel and expenses for 2 days = $16,307
Engineering Costs: Fitters spend an average of 1.75 hours per week changing bearings using their own methods of fiting and removal. Applied to 20 maintenance engineers at $21.40/hour $39,010 Engineering Costs: After extensive training with NSK Experts, fitting and removal time was dramatically reduced to 1 hour / week. Applied to 20 maintenance engineers at $21.40/hour $22,292
Total Costs $39,010 $22,292
