Dispositivos Médicos

El mercado mundial de productos sanitarios está creciendo, y en 2014 se valoró en unos 30 billones de yenes.
Los productos sanitarios se dividen en dos grandes categorías: instrumentos terapéuticos (bisturíes, catéteres, marcapasos, lentes de contacto, etc.) e instrumentos de diagnóstico (rayos X, escáneres de TC, equipos de diagnóstico por ultrasonidos, resonancia magnética, etc.).
Las tecnologías de los sistemas de diagnóstico médico por imagen, como los escáneres de rayos X y TC, junto con los equipos de diagnóstico por ultrasonidos, cambian y evolucionan constantemente, lo que contribuye a mejorar la atención al paciente.
El desarrollo de equipos de diagnóstico de alta velocidad y alta precisión está avanzando, y los rodamientos y productos de movimiento lineal utilizados en dichos dispositivos requieren un rendimiento de alta velocidad y alta precisión, alta rigidez, baja vibración, bajo nivel de ruido y facilidad de mantenimiento.
NSK responde a las necesidades del mercado con sus principales tecnologías, como la ingeniería de materiales, las tecnologías de lubricación y las tecnologías de precisión, contribuyendo significativamente a mejorar el rendimiento de los equipos médicos.

High-Speed, Low-Noise Ball Screws BSS Model
These compact, high-speed screws feature noise reduction of up to 6 dB compared to noise levels in traditional products.

This is a compact, lightweight, single-axis actuator that combines a ball screw and linear guide.

Megatorque Motor™
Because the drive section is not equipped with a reducer mechanism, the unit is compact, lightweight, highly precise, with a high torque, and no rattling.

Bearings for Special Environments (SPACEA™ Series)
These bearings are ideal for high-precision applications and other environments where standard bearings cannot be used.

To meet challenges such as those presented by medical imaging systems, including MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), CT (computed tomography) and PET (positron emission tomography) equipment, the healthcare industry relies on its supply chain to help produce innovative, reliable, maintenance-free machines.
Among the trusted manufacturers utilised for medical imaging equipment is NSK, which provides complete assemblies that include linear guides, ball screws and other solutions.
High-quality linear motion products are essential for medical imaging and MRI equipment, as uneven surfaces or inconsistent movements can produce unreliable results or information that ultimately leads to sub-standard care for patients. Designers of these systems must therefore consider every detail, including ball screw actuators and linear guides.
Linear motion systems from NSK have proven themselves well suited to the accuracy and precision that medical imaging equipment demands. In MRI scanners, for example, one of the most important components required for successful operation is the motorised ball screw. The ball screw utilises cylindrical motion to move the machine’s imaging equipment along a plane with extreme accuracy and precision. Since this equipment is large and complex, these ball screws must accommodate heavy loads and produce movement that is sufficiently smooth and consistent to generate clear, reliable results.
MRI technology also requires the use of high magnetic force, so the ball screws and other components need to function in this type of environment without affecting the machine’s energy. Ball screws from NSK are ideal for use in MRI scanners, providing both the load-bearing capabilities and smooth movement required. Smooth motion not only contributes to accurate results – thus avoiding potentially disastrous misdiagnosis – but improves patient comfort and safety during scans.
Unlike other types of ball screw feature circular arc grooves, where balls can get wedged, NSK uses offset gothic-style arch grooves to avoid this phenomenon by minimising the available clearance between the balls and grooves. Furthermore, durability is boosted through the use of purified alloy steel, while any potential for backlash is eliminated thanks to an application of preload.
NSK’s extensive range of high-quality linear guides are also found widely in medical imaging devices. Designed to move various components along a single plane, linear guides must deliver smooth motion and reliable functionality. It is also important that linear guides provide reliable movement over a significant time period without the need for repairs, maintenance or related services. Capability of this ilk can reduce downtime and costs, and keep medical imaging equipment functioning efficiently for as long as possible.
Linear guides from NSK make use of precision technology, advanced surface treatments and high-quality lubricants, which means they are better equipped to move components along linear planes without unnecessary friction. Over the long term, this capability reduces the opportunity for wear, boosting the uptime and operational life of medical imaging systems. Durability is further driven by avoiding structural complexity, and through the use of super-clean materials and advanced heat treatment.
A popular selection for medical imaging systems are NSK’s NH linear guides, which offer double the lifespan of conventional products due to the inclusion of features like specially developed ball groove geometry. Further benefits include high dynamic load rating, long maintenance intervals, low noise output and simple installation.
All of NSK’s linear guides and ball screws can be customised to suit individual requirements. The company’s solutions offer proven reliability and durability – along with quiet and maintenance-free operation – all of which are prerequisites for medical imaging systems the world over.
Picture: Linear motion systems from NSK have proven themselves ideal for the accuracy and precision that medical imaging equipment demands. Photo: KaliAntye/Shutterstock.com
Guías Lineales
- Desde componentes estándar especialmente económicos hasta soluciones especialmente desarrolladas
- Larga vida útil gracias a componentes de calidad
- Comportamiento de marcha suave y alta precisión
- Máxima variedad con valores de rendimiento extraordinarios en combinación con la máxima precisión y capacidades de carga extremadamente altas
- Ideal con unidad de lubricación K1 de larga duración para un funcionamiento sin mantenimiento
Tornillos de Bolas
- Alta fiabilidad operativa
- Extra duraderos y económicos
- Desde componentes estándar hasta tornillos de bolas especiales para aplicaciones específicas personalizadas
- Opciones de lubricación personalizadas, así como unidad de lubricación K1 de larga duración sin mantenimiento disponible
- Rodamientos de Soporte
- Especialmente desarrollado para los requisitos de los tornillos de bolas
- Alta precisión y rigidez gracias al ángulo de contacto de 60°
- Sistema de sellado de múltiples etapas para proteger contra la entrada de partículas, además de una buena capacidad de retención de grasa con baja fricción y generación de calor.
- Fácil montaje gracias a la precarga predefinida y a la conexión directa por brida (serie BSF) con los componentes circundantes, incluida la entrega lista para el montaje
Support Bearings
- Specially developed for the requirements of ball screws
- High precision and rigidity thanks to 60° contact angle
- Multiple-stage sealing system to shield against particle ingress plus good grease retention capacity with low friction and heat generation
- Easy assembly thanks to predefined preloading and direct flange connection (BSF series) to the surrounding components including installation-ready delivery
Serie Spacea
- Específicamente desarrollado para entornos extremos y particulares como salas blancas, vacíos, altas temperaturas
- Desarrollados y producidos según los deseos de cada cliente
- Amplia experiencia gracias a otras aplicaciones especiales
- Selección especial de materiales disponibles (no magnéticos, resistentes a la corrosión y a los ácidos, sin grasa, etc.)