CEO Message
Seeking fresh ideas and an objective perspective to energize our organization from the ground up
At NSK, we focus on mid-career hiring in addition to new graduates because we value real-world experience—people who can use their skills and objective perspective to contribute to our operations and make changes for the better. This external knowledge and expertise is essential, and energizes our organization as a whole. Of course, this applies not only to engineering, but also to other fields such as sales and marketing, as well as administrative departments like compliance, human resources, finance, or procurement.
When it comes to digital transformation—an area in which we are striving to make rapid advances—we have hired a number of mid-career professionals for their expertise, and these members are currently leading our efforts. Similarly, I hope that the colleagues we welcome to NSK in the future will play a "catalyst" role in driving change across our respective functions.

We welcome anybody who shares our vision and can join us in pursuit of the same dream
When welcoming new mid-career hires to NSK, we place great importance on two points in particular. The first is that we share a common vision. While everyone has their own, personal vision of what you want to do and achieve, we want to know that you share NSK's vision and that we can work together toward the same dream. This is one point we value in particular.
The other area we place particular importance on is establishing an open and accepting corporate culture. I often emphasize the need to be accepting of diversity, and by this I mean the ability to listen to others with respect. Without the ability to maintain an open mind and accept advice from different perspectives, an organization cannot change for the better. In this regard, I believe NSK has many open-minded employees who are willing to listen to new perspectives, and we have a culture of respect for colleagues with different backgrounds and careers from our own. I am therefore confident that you will be able to realize your potential to the fullest at NSK.

Further evolving our trusted brand, while also embracing new challenges to stay ahead of the times
Throughout my career, I have felt on so many occassions that NSK is a brand built on trust. This brand gives us the opportunity to meet with and build gratifying relationships with a variety of amazing people outside the company, such as our customers. It goes without saying that this brand built on trust was created by our predecessors, and that we must pass this on to the next generation. However, rather than simply continuing on the same path, we need to transform ourselves in order to address new changes and challenges in society. Although this is not an easy task, I believe it is an exciting and rewarding challenge.
No matter how much NSK changes in the future, it is my hope that each and every one of our employees looks back over their time with us and feels glad that they chose NSK, and that NSK was a fulfilling company to be a part of. In sharing my vision, I hope you will join us in taking on the challenge of using NSK's capabilities to make society a better place. I look forward to welcoming motivated and like-minded individuals who can help us take the trusted NSK brand to the next level.
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