Tokyo, Japan, April 20, 2009 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarter: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Seiichi Asaka) is pleased to announce the relaunch of its corporate website, designed to give a more user -friendly experience.
ASEAN and Oceania
Middle East
Press Release
April 20, 2009
NSK Ltd.
CSR Division Headquarters
Public Relations Department
Tokyo, Japan, April 20, 2009 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarter: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Seiichi Asaka) is pleased to announce the relaunch of its corporate website, designed to give a more user -friendly experience.
The primary objective of the new NSK website is to provide an effective business development tool. We put a lot of emphasis on “providing the appropriate information service for each stakeholder and attracting potential customers.” Therefore, the new website layout remains focused on stakeholder concerns. The new site also features several new sections to meet stakeholders' needs.
NSK's motto for the site is “keep it simple: never let users get lost”. The new website is designed to allow users to quickly find the contents they are looking for from the main page. In addition, its low hierarchical structure allows users to find information easily and smoothly.
Please feel free to check out our relaunched website. We hope you enjoy our website.