Tokyo, Japan, September 17, 2014 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Norio Otsuka) today announced that it has developed an encoder in a compact size (outer diameter of 8 mm) that has achieved a resolution that is among the highest in the world. This product makes high-resolution angle detection in tight spaces and is applicable for precision measurement instruments and semiconductors. NSK is exploring the feasibility of its application to various other uses in the future, including small joints in robots and wearable devices. NSK is targeting 500 million yen in global annual sales for this product by 2019.
* Outer diameter of 8 mm or less (based on NSK investigation)
The need for encoders has expanded with the increasing sophistication of machines such as machine tools, manufacturing equipment, robots, and conveyors. However, it is difficult to make encoders that are both compact and have high resolution, and so encoder application in small spaces had been limited. NSK's new encoder has achieved a resolution that is among the highest in the world in a compact size, with an outer diameter of 8 mm, thereby expanding the useful applications of high-precision encoders.
NSK will exhibit this product at INTERMEASURE 2014 (International Measurement, Test and Control Technology Show 2014), to be held at Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) September 17 (Wed.) to 19 (Fri.), 2014 with the aim of broadly cultivating latent needs.