Press Release

NSK to Exhibit at BIOtech 2014 Japan

Tokyo, Japan, May 12, 2014 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Norio Otsuka) announced today that it will be exhibiting at BIOtech 2014 Japan (13th International Bio Technology Exhibition and Conference) at Tokyo Big Sight (Koto-ward, Tokyo) from Wednesday, May 14 to Friday, May 16. NSK will exhibit the new manipulation system that it announced a practical application for in February 2014. In addition, NSK will highlight its high-sensitivity, compact biosensor, which it has improved for practical application.


(1) Manipulation system

Manipulation system

Manipulation systems are composed of a microscope, motorized XY sample stage and motorized 3D (XYZ) positioning devices equipped with a tool for manipulating microsize test samples such as cellular material. Such systems are very common in the medical, biotechnology, semiconductor and electronics industries. In 2008, NSK developed a high-precision, easy-to-use micromanipulation system by applying its precision positioning drive technology.

In February 2014, NSK announced that, in cooperation with the Central Institute for Experimental Animals (CIEA), it had achieved a practical application for a new manipulation system with improvements for increased operational efficiency by automating the system and making it more compact. Going forward, NSK will continue to work to meet the diverse needs and applications of such industries as biotechnology, precision components and electronic devices.

(2) High-sensitivity, compact biosensor (Surface plasmon resonance [SPR]-method *1)

Targeting practical applications, NSK has continued to improve the high-sensitivity, compact biosensor that was exhibited at such analytical and scientific instruments expos as BIOtech 2013, JASIS 2013 and Bio Japan 2013.

NSK developed the device to be displayed jointly with the Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo. It utilizes world-leading sensitivity to detect trace substances found in blood and saliva. The proprietary periodic micro-hole pattern is aligned on the sensor substrate and the gold surface layer is formed. Measurement of the concentration of trace substances is performed by vertically irradiating with light and then capturing the change in the refractive index that occurs on the sensor substrate. In fact, in experiments using protein, this device was capable of high sensitivity detection of low concentration of a single nanomolar*2 or 0.07 ppm.

In order to achieve practical applications with this device, NSK has integrated the light source, spectrometer, and compact pump into one compact unit that is approximately 40% lighter than earlier units (weight is approximately 3 kg). In making the structure simpler, NSK has virtually eliminated the need for maintenance. NSK expects hospitals and all kinds of research laboratories to find this device useful for a wide variety of applications such as new drug development, medicine and hazardous material inspection, water quality testing, food inspection, contamination detection, and more.

*1: SPR method: Utilize resonance of light and electrons in metal surface.
*2: Nanomolar (nM): Used to indicate a concentration of one billionth of a mole per liter.
High-sensitivity, compact biosensor (Surface plasmon resonance [SPR]-method)

Exhibition Overview

Exhibition dates May 14 (Wed) - 16 (Fri), 2014 10:00-18:00 (10:00-17:00 on May 16)
Venue Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center)
Organized by Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
NSK booth location West Exhibition Hall 4 9-34
Event website   new window

NSK's Approach to Future Technology

NSK's Approach to Future Technology.

As a manufacturer of mechanical components driven by its proprietary Motion and Control technologies, NSK has been contributing to the advancement of a variety of industries by developing mechatronics and mechanical components such as bearings. In recent years NSK has also expanded its development activities into such fields as robotics, sensors and bio-MEMS.

NSK is dedicated to making the most of its world-class technologies to meet the state-of-the-art, leading-edge needs of the world.