For the sixth year running, NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Akitoshi Ichii) has been certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a top Health and Productivity Management Organization in the large enterprise category: “White 500” (Whitelisted as a company that prioritizes employee health and offers comprehensive health and wellness programs and support).

NSK has continuously taken action to promote the maintenance of employee health and wellness, and recognizes the importance of the continued growth and development of human resources. Alongside endeavoring to create an open, transparent workplace that is welcoming and enjoyable for all, NSK has also implemented a wide range of support programs including preventative healthcare, promotion of mental wellness, reducing passive smoking, and other initiatives and systems to support overall employee wellness.
NSK aims to maximize the value of its human capital in the mid- to long-term and sustainably grow corporate value by securing diverse human resources, encouraging them to play an active role and motivating them to take on individual challenges and grow. As part of this effort, NSK is committed to creating rewarding work environments that are accommodating of the diverse lifestyles of its employees and enable a healthy work-life balance.
For more information on NSK initiatives, please refer to the most recent NSK Report: “ Integrated Reports / Annual Reports ”