Press Release

NSK Listed in Major ESG Investment Index “FTSE4Good Index Series” And Indexes Adopted By Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)

  • NSK listed in global ESG investment indexes “FTSE4Good Index Series,” “FTSE Blossom Japan Index,” and “FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index”

NSK Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo; President & CEO: Akitoshi Ichii) has been selected as a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series, a globally recognized investment index for ESG and socially responsible investment, for the 21st consecutive year (since 2003).

In addition, the company has been included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for the sixth consecutive year (since 2018) and in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index (newly established in 2022) for the second consecutive year. These indexes are invested in by Japan's public pension fund: the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).

NSK aims to be a company that contributes to the development of a sustainable society and that continues to be needed, trusted, and relied upon by society for the next 100 and even 1000 years into the future. In our mid-term management plan MTP2026, we have positioned "ESG management" as one of the most important management tasks for the company, and we are promoting initiatives in this area.

  1. NSK announces it has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series.
    Created by the global index and data provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE4Good indexes are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.
    FTSE Russell evaluations are based on performance in areas such as Corporate Governance, Health & Safety, Anti-Corruption and Climate Change.  Businesses included in the FTSE4Good Index Series meet a variety of environmental, social and governance criteria.
  2. NSK announces it has been included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index.
    Created by the global index and data provider FTSE Russell, the FTSE Blossom Japan Index is designed as an industry neutral benchmark that reflects the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in Japan.
    FTSE Russell evaluations are based on performance in areas such as Corporate Governance, Health & Safety, Anti-Corruption and Climate Change.  Businesses included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Index meet a variety of environmental, social and governance criteria.
  3. NSK announces it has been included in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index.
    The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is designed as a sector neutral benchmark that reflects the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices in Japan. The index selects companies with higher ESG Ratings within the top 50% of each sector and supports climate transition to a low carbon economy by evaluating companies’ climate governance and climate change efforts via the Transition Pathway Initiative’s Management Quality Score.
    Further information can be found online at the FTSE Blossom Japan Index series page .