Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan and the FY2020 Targets and Performance
The NSK Group considers it important to select issues to address and to set policies and attainment targets by taking into consideration such matters as regulatory requirements, the expectations and needs of stakeholders, potential risks and opportunities, and relevance to the NSK Group’s business endeavors. We work through the PDCA cycle, setting Mid-Term Management Plan targets, including for environmental (E), social (S) and governance (G) activities, and monitoring management indicators for assessing progress.
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance | |
Environment | Maximize the environmental contribution through products Minimize the environmental impact from business activities | Creating environmentally friendly products | Create environmentally friendly products with a Neco score of 1.2 or higher | Create environmentally friendly products with a Neco score of 1.2 or higher | Developed 6 environmentally friendly products |
Avoid at least 2 million t-CO₂ emissions during the use of NSK products | 1.8 million t-CO₂ | 2.51 million t-CO₂ | |||
Fighting global warming and climate change | Manufacturing, technology, offices: reduce CO₂ emissions by 7% from FY2017 | 5% reduction | Reduced by 31% | ||
Resource conservation and recycling measures | Achieve a recycling rate of at least 99% | 98.9% | 98.9% | ||
Industrial waste per unit of sales: 4% reduction from FY2017 | 3% reduction | Increased by 11.8% | |||
Water withdrawal per unit of sales: 4% reduction from FY2017 | 3% reduction | Increased by 16.6% | |||
Reducing use of environmentally harmful substances | Full response to the 10 EU RoHS2 substances | Full response |
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Response rate for inclusion in NSK Survey of Environmentally Harmful Substances
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Biodiversity conservation | Identify the factors in operations that could have a negative impact on biodiversity | Continue activities | Continued activities | ||
Expand social contribution activities related to biodiversity conservation | Continue activities | Continued activities based on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic | |||
Educate to deepen employee awareness of issues | Continue activities | Continue activities |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Safety Management | Prevent fatal and serious accidents | Each production site manages its own PDCA cycle for identifying dangerous spots and their improvement | Raise the level of risk extraction and inspection at each site and support self-driven risk-reduction activities | Having completed extracted risk reduction up to the previous fiscal year by continuing to improve the serious accident risk assessment criteria and their operation, improved level of self-driven risk reduction at each production site |
Enhance the safety management of outside contractors | Business inspection and improvement guidance for contractors, subcontractors, and outside contractors |
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Increase safety awareness | Train and implement behavior that increases safety awareness, including KYT* and the safety practice of pointing and calling * KYT: Kiken Yochi (hazard prediction) Training | Plan and launch a safety culture workshop at sites in Japan to raise the NSK safety culture to an interdependent (mutually-enlightening) model |
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Further enhance safety management through continuous ISO 45001 certification | Obtain ISO 45001 certification for 6 sites in Japan and 18 global sites (Plan revised due to the COVID-19 pandemic) | Obtained ISO 45001 certification and began implementing it at 3 sites in Japan and 8 global sites (Sites not yet certified are scheduled to be certified in the first half of fiscal 2021) | ||
Newly establish the Safety and Fire Prevention Training Center and foster an advanced safety culture | Begin operating the Safety and Fire Prevention Training Center using remote learning | The Safety and Fire Prevention Training Center began operating using remote learning, and safety education instructor training was conducted for managers and supervisors. Completed training of 2 instructors at each site. | ||
Prevent accident reoccurrence | Expand “Look Across Activities” (seeing accidents at other sites as relevant to one’s own workplace and learning lessons from those accidents) to operators on the shop floor | Enhance "Look Across Activities" so that factory personnel become more fully aware of the risks in their own workplace | Promoted "Look Across Activities" for factory personnel by providing them with guidance from their superiors to improve their risk awareness | |
Identify risks through risk assessment of equipment and work procedures and implement measures against those risks | Implementation/evaluation/countermeasures for risk assessment of existing equipment (Promotion of a three-year plan from FY2019 to FY2021) | Promoted risk assessment of the existing equipment as planned while implementing risk-reduction measures |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Quality Management | NSK Product Development System (NPDS) This is NSK’s proprietary quality management system for quickly transforming new orders into reliable, stable production. |
NSK Quality No. 1 (NQ1) Program NSK is promoting initiatives to realize stable production and ensure zero defects. |
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* 4M: Man, Machine, Material, Method |
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Human resource development NSK is promoting the human resource development to build a stronger foundation for quality creation. | Foster quality-first human resource development |
* Quality-Dojo: A dedicated area for quality training put in place at each plant. Established in FY2019. |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Supply Chain Management | Ensure stable supply and optimize supplier portfolio | Stable procurement | BCP audits of 30 major companies (Cumulative total of 100 companies since FY2018) | On-site inspections not carried out due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts implemented centered on remote follow-ups of inspections conducted on 70 companies in FY2018 and 2019 |
Sustainable and responsible procurement | Implementation of self-assessments based on the NSK Supplier CSR Guidelines (every other year) | Implemented to additionally reflect the assessment items pointed out in the CSR audit conducted by a third party in FY2018 Obtained responses from 416 companies in Japan (response rate 95%) and implemented verification of level of progress of efforts |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance | |
Human Resource Management | Leverage a diverse workforce | Promote more diversity and inclusion (D&I) | Raise awareness of D&I |
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Improve the paternal leave acquisition rate | Improved 23.5 points against previous fiscal year (Acquisition rate 50.3%) | ||||
Continue to run caregiving seminars |
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Raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues |
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Raise external awareness of our initiatives to promote D&I |
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Promote the advancement of women Increase the percentage of women among managers and managerial candidates by 1.6 times (compared with FY2018) | Continue supporting women in career-track positions | Conducted third round of training for women in career-track positions | |||
Promote a higher percentage of women among career-track position hires (administrative and sales staff: 40%; engineers: 10%) | Administrative and sales staff: 40%; Engineers: 10% achieved | ||||
Build more engaging workplaces | Promote work-style reforms | Expand remote work |
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Promote health and wellness | Raise external awareness of our initiatives to improve the health of our employees | Retained certification as an Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Organization (White 500) | |||
Centralize the management of employee health checkup results | Commenced centralized management and analysis by installing a health checkup results management system | ||||
Provide opportunities for growth | Support the career advancement of every employee | Train young employees at an early stage | Implemented young employee rotations | ||
Provide ongoing growth opportunities | Adding to conventional face-to-face training, expanded the number of participants and opportunities to attend by making full use of online options and HyFlex* * HyFlex: Hybrid-Flexible (face-to-face and online training simultaneously) |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Respecting Human Rights | Promote initiatives in line with international human rights norms | ー | ー |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Corporate Governance | Realize a transparent, fair and timely decision-making system for sustainable growth and improvement in our corporate value over the mid- to long- term | Further enhance the effectiveness of the Board of Directors | ー | Strengthened the monitoring function by appointing a majority of outside directors to the Board of Directors |
Strengthen Group governance | ー | Enhanced monitoring function and risk management by separating corporate auditor duties from management support |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Risk Management | Implement appropriate risk management to maintain the soundness and transparency of executive management, to increase confidence among business partners and markets, and to improve corporate value | ー | ー | Identified key risks and mitigated them |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Disaster Risk Management | Development of group crisis management systems | Strengthen cooperation with regional headquarters outside Japan | Strengthen reporting and information sharing systems | Set up an emergency response organization to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, formulated the Group’s basic policy, and shared countermeasures implemented in each region |
Optimize crisis management system | Review the management system based on crisis response results | |||
BCP creation and effectiveness enhancement | Japan: Improve BCP effectiveness for earthquake, wind, and flood damage | Enhance capabilities to continue product supply | Strengthened emergency response capabilities through training at the Group Crisis Response Task Force and Site Crisis Response Task Forces | |
Outside Japan: Establish a BCP against serious risks | Formulate a BCP assuming serious risks | Expanded sites formulating BCP, and started cross-regional BCP formulation |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Information Security Management |
| Enhance information security infrastructure | Continue PDCA cycles for the Information Security Management System (ISMS) | Implemented ongoing ISMS activities |
Obtain ISO 27001 certification | Obtain certification in the Information System Department | Obtained certification in November 2020 | ||
Strengthen incident response capability (including the C-SIRT* system) * SIRT is the abbreviation for Security Incident Response Team. | Establish C-SIRT organization and commence activities | Appointed person to C-SIRT and conducted incident response training | ||
Enhance ID and access management | Complete preparations for building an ID and access management system | Continued work to build the system and implemented preparations for migration |
ESG category | Policy | Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan targets | FY2020 targets | FY2020 performance |
Compliance | Increase trust from international and regional society by completely adhering to the laws and regulations, and by taking actions based on high ethical standards | Further strengthen the global compliance system | Monitor compliance plans and their progress outside Japan |
Improve sophistication of compliance risk management | Conduct competition law (antitrust law) audits (worldwide) | Conducted competition law (antitrust law) audits and ascertained risks (worldwide) | ||
Heighten employee compliance awareness | Further develop compliance training for operators working at plants | At the Saitama Precision Machinery Plant, department managers served as instructors and conducted training for all factory operators | ||
Increase the compliance hotline's reliability | Share information on usage status and corrective measures (worldwide) | Information on system usage and corrective measures shared in the Compliance Newsletter and via other channels such as digital signage |