NSK Memberships and Affiliations
NSK is a valued member of many industry and trade associations. For more information, click the links below.

INC Invention Center
INC Invention Center is an association of technology and innovation experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) and the Laboratory for Machines Tools (WZL) at RWTH Aachen. Its key goals include supporting companies as they transform ideas into real-world innovations and helping them meet the challenges of a digitalized and rapidly changing world.
Members of the INC community get the opportunity to collaborate with ‘real practitioners‘ from different industries and also receive easy access to a huge network of RWTH Aachen researchers and scientists that can accompany their innovation process from the technology and innovation strategy through to the prototype.
In addition, members can decide which topics will be researched and adjust the format of INC advanced training to their individual needs.

Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e. V. (FVA)
The FVA was founded to advance drive technology.
It does this through the exchange of experience and transfer of knowledge in the FVA community, and by helping to define research endeavours, sharing the latest findings, promoting the training of young engineers as well as precisely tailored continuing training, and reducing R & D costs.
The FVA is the world’s largest and most successful research and innovation network in the field of drive technology. Thus far, it has realised well over 2,000 projects jointly with around 200 companies and 100 research institutes.

The Stifterverband is a joint initiative of companies and foundations that provides consulting, networking and promotional services in the areas of education, science and innovation.
Since 1920, it has embodied German companies’ shared responsibility for fostering a sustainable and liveable society.
DAX companies, medium-sized enterprises, business associations, benefactors and private citizens – a total of around 3,000 members from the business, academic and political worlds and civil society at large – have united in the Stifterverband to endow educational institutions, create knowledge and enable innovation.
Through our membership in the Stifterverband, our technology scouting activities will benefit from innovation initiatives, and we will make a contribution to training practices that meet the needs of industry.

BRBMA - Ball & Roller Bearing Manufacturers Association
BRBMA is an association that promote, assist and represent the interests of Member ball and roller bearing manufacturers & facilitate technical co-operation at an international level. It represent the United Kingdom ball & roller bearing manufacturing Industry with the U.K. Government, European Commission or other Bodies.

BWE - Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.
With some 20,000 members, the German Wind Energy Association BWE is one of the world's largest associations in the renewables sector. The association work in such international associations as the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) in developing wind energy within Europe and worldwide.

EPTDA - European Power Transmission Distributors Association
EPTDA is the leading association for the industrial power transmission/motion control distribution channel. EPTDA is dedicated to advancing distribution and strengthening members to be successful, profitable and competitive in a changing marketing environment.

GVA - Gesamtverband Autoteile-Handel e.V.
German Association of Car Part Distributors - GVA is the business association of independent automotive aftermarket distributors in Germany, representing the interests of about 2,000 automotive replacement parts retailers. The GVA currently gathers 130 trading companies active in more than 1,000 business sites, as well as 125 automotive components manufacturers. Association work focuses upon a preservation and expansion of the independent repair market.

TecAlliance (TecDoc, TecCom and TecRMI) is the European leading system for vehicle identification independent of manufacturers or product groups. It collects the relevant data from vehicle spare parts manufacturers and makes this available to the parts dealers and garages in a standardized form. The data pool links the spare parts information of the leading manufacturers comprising more than 400 brands to the vehicle descriptions provided by TecDoc.

WBA - World Bearing Association
WBA is a non-profit and unincorporated industrial association. It was founded in 2006 by the American Bearing Manufacturers’ Association (ABMA), the Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers’ Associations (FEBMA) and the Japan Bearing Industrial Association (JBIA). WBA promotes the interests of the world bearing industry, such as open economic engagement, sustainable development and the protection of legal rights of companies.