Mood, Press, News

Company - 16/03/2021

Sébastien Blanchard, Adrien Le Berre, Maxime Marsala

Toyota Motor Europe (TME) has bestowed two awards upon NSK Europe: a Certificate of Recognition (in the Supply category) and an Achievement Award (in the Quality category). In normal circumstances, TME presents the awards at its showpiece Annual Business Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, with around 200 people in attendance. This year, however, the company organised a virtual live presentation, subsequently posting the award and certificate to NSK France where the responsible EABU (European Automotive Business Unit) team for TME is located.

On an annual basis, TME takes a look back at the performance of its suppliers over the previous financial year. The Certificate of Recognition in the Supply category, for instance, supports the company’s aim to ensure every Toyota customer is entirely satisfied with his or her vehicle. TME recognises the vital role of suppliers in the mutual quest to achieve continuous improvement.

KPIs (key performance indicators), such as overall delivery performance (including service parts and accessories), form an integral part of the judging process. TME awards 10 suppliers in the Supply category with a Certificate of Recognition, which for 2020 (covering the 2019 financial year period) includes NSK Europe.

The company also secured an Achievement Award in the Quality category; only 3-5 suppliers each year are successful in winning this accolade. Quality represents both the backbone and DNA of TME. Many OEMs use PPM to measure the number of defects that occur in a million parts. Warranty claims and response to quality issues are among further supplier criteria scrutinised for the award.

NSK’s EABU delivers various products to TME’s engine and transmission plants in the UK and Poland. These include ball bearings, tapered roller bearings and rocker arms from NSK manufacturing facilities in Kielce (Poland) and Peterlee (UK), as well as from Saitama and Takasaki in Japan. NSK also delivers wheel bearings to TME car assembly plants in France, Turkey and South Africa, and soon to the Czech Republic.


Picture 1):  Proudly holding the awards outside the Guyancourt facility of NSK in France (from left to right): Sébastien Blanchard, Product Unit Manager - PowerTrain, European Automotive Business Unit (EABU), NSK; Adrien Le Berre, Account Manager, EABU, NSK; and Maxime Marsala, Project Engineer, EABU, NSK 

NSK Europe’s Achievement Award for Quality from Toyota Motor Europe

Picture 2):  NSK Europe’s Achievement Award for Quality from Toyota Motor Europe

Toyota Motor Europe’s Certificate of Recognition for Supply, as presented to NSK Europe

Picture 3):  Toyota Motor Europe’s Certificate of Recognition for Supply, as presented to NSK Europe

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