Mood 3 Products

Ball Screws - HTF-Series

Ball Screws - HTF-Series

The HTF-Series of High-Speed, High-Load Ball Screws offers several types:
The HTF-SRC Series for high speed and high loads.
The HTF-SRD Series with large leads for even higher speeds.
The HTF-SRE Series of large Ball Screws for spindle diameters of 140 mm or more.
The HTF-SRM Series for heavy duty and high temparatures.

Condition Description

  • High Accuracy
  • High Load
  • High Speed


  • Injection Molding

Product Features

  • Super high-load capacity
  • High speed
  • Low noise
  • Compact design
  • Options:
    - S-HTF-series with tough steel material
    - A1-series with optimised sealing performance
    - Long life technology


  • Maximum allowable dynamic load
  • Maximum life due to a proper load distribution