Mood 3 Products

HMD Series Ball Screws for High-Speed Machine Tools

Ball Screw, HMD, 874x555

Upgraded version of the HMC Series, featuring a new middle deflector recirculation method that enables high-speed, low-noise operation and higher rigidity.

Condition Description

  • High Accuracy
  • High Load
  • High Speed
  • Low Noise


  • Machine Tools
  • Semiconductors
  • Woodworking

Product Features

  • High Speed feeding:
  • d x n value was improved to 160,000 by new recirculation parts (End deflector and newly developed Middle-deflector)
  • Max feeding speed 120m/min
  • High rigidity / precision
  • Adopted offset preload
  • Higher rigidity by specialised ball groove shape
  • Reduced noise: Noise level is reduced 6dB


  • High-load capacity
  • Low noise
  • High speed
  • Compact nut