
An Indonesian steel mill company was using competitor’s OEM bearings, but the expexted lifetime of the bearings was too short. The Customer decided to try NSK's 4-row tapered roller bearings which performed 2 times longer than those of the competiton. The End user was very satisfied with NSK bearing’s performance because the longer lasting bearing not only saved them more money during production but also reduced machine downtime.

Aluminium Rolling Mill
  • Aluminium Rolling Mill
  • 4-row Tapered Roller Bearings

Key Facts

  • Aluminum rolling mill with a highly contaminated operating conditions and heavy loads
  • NSK solution: 4-row tapered roller bearings
  • More than 2 times longer life-time than competitor’s bearings
  • Reduced downtime
  • Cost savings for bearings and maintenance

Value Proposals

  • Aluminum rolling mill with a highly contaminated operating conditions and heavy loads
  • NSK solution: 4-row tapered roller bearings
  • More than 2 times longer life-time than competitor’s bearings
  • Reduced downtime
  • Cost savings for bearings and maintenance

Product Features

  • Aluminum rolling mill with a highly contaminated operating conditions and heavy loads
  • NSK solution: 4-row tapered roller bearings
  • More than 2 times longer life-time than competitor’s bearings
  • Reduced downtime
  • Cost savings for bearings and maintenance
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Bearing Costs € 63 277 Bearing Costs € 49 754
Engineering Costs € 13 587 Engineering Costs € 0
Total Costs € 76 864 € 49 754
