Mood, Industries, 1600x230


Within an engineering manufacturing plant, a centreless grinding machine was experiencing shape errors. The engineers suspected that some of the bearings within the spindle arrangement were faulty. Initial readings were taken by NSK Condition Monitoring Service (CMS) while the machine was still in a running condition to assess the health of the bearings. This CMS service helped to identify the root cause of the machine problem and save time on unnecessary investigative maintenance and machine down time stripping down good components.


Machine Tools, Centreless Grinding
  • Machine Tools
  • Condition Monitoring Service (CMS)

Key Facts

  • Bearing and motor details for the CMS analysis was as follows :
  • The wheel spindle motor is rated at 15 HP
  • The wheel spindle speed is adjustable from 50 to 6000 rpm
  • The wheel spindle bearings are made up from 8 various bearings sizes
  • NSK Solution: Condition Monitoring Service (CMS) with detailled analysis to identify bearings and associated components health. NSK performed a full analyse of the running grinding machine
  • The CMS service indicated there were no concerns from the spindle bearings

Value Proposals

  • An NSK expert performed an Condition Monitoring Service (CMS) on the running grinding machine
  • The test indicated there was no issue of concern from the spindle bearings
  • This now allows the maintenance engineers to focus their time in other areas
  • 2 days to strip the spindle and investigate the potential bearing problem was avoided, along with the associated loss of production from that production cell

Product Features

  • Live assessment of a machine's condition and health while the machine is still in operation
  • Predicted life of the critical components inside a machine allowing the customer to plan maintenance more accurately
  • Early warning of problems occurring in machinery. Condition Monitoring is the most sensitive and long reaching methond of detecting the signs of machine wear
  • On-site support from NSK Engineers
  • Assurance that NSK as a full ragne supplier can help with the provision of critical bearing and linear motion spares
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Engineering Costs: 1 x engineer per shift for 2 days - total 32 hours at € 50 / hr € 1.600 Engineering Costs: No investigative maintenance required € 0
Costs of lost production: 2 shifts @ 8hrs per day x 2 days @ €1K/hr lost productivity € 32.000 Costs of lost production: No machine downtime € 0
Total Costs € 33 600 € 0
