Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A UK car manufacturer wanted to increase the skill base of their engineering team specifically in the repair and maintenance of machine tool spindles. This was a key requirement as the plant performed many machining operations in their engine and component manufacture. NSK was consulted and after a review of the plant designed a bespoke training course focussed towards the specific machinery and working practices on site. The training was delivered in 7 sessions over a 4 day period to more than 50 engineers. This proved to be very successful with good feedback. It also allowed an ongoing consultancy relationship with the NSK Experts who were on call to deal with specific problems encountered.

Automotive production, assembly line
  • Automotive Manufacture
NSK AIP Training Services
  • NSK AIP Training Services

Key Facts

  • UK car manufacturer with large number of machine tools
  • Large engineering team
  • Required bespoke training on bearings for machine tool spindles
  • NSK designed training specifically around the needs of the customer
  • Ongoing consultancy relationship with the NSK Experts

Value Proposals

  • NSK was requested by customer to provide a bespoke training course around the needs of their engineers for machine tool spindle maintenance
  • NSK visited site and reviewed the machinery and working practices
  • A unique training course was then developed together with service packs and assessment criteria
  • 51 engineers trained over 7 sessions throughout a 4 day period
  • NSK provided a follow up consultancy service with ongoing support for subsequent problems encountered by the engineers

Product Features

  • Product Training - training to provide an overview of the range and capability of NSK bearings with the benefits of applying them
  • Application of NSK Bearings - Modular training menu focussing on those issues associated with the use and application of bearings
  • AIP Training - Introduction to NSK's Added Value Programme and how it can be used to solve machinery and plant problems
  • Industry Specific Training - Specific training courses covering common issues, applications and processes for bearings in Industry Sectors such as Food & Beverage, Pumps & Compressors, Quarry &/ Mining, Paper, Metals, Machine Tools and Railways, etc.
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Training Costs: - Seven training sessions à 6 hours; Topics: machine tool spindle bearing fitting instructions, lubrication, bearing failure analysis € 0 Training Costs
Training Costs: - Specialised training course created with full support material for each candidate. €5.185 per session x 7 € 36.295 Training Costs
Total Costs Before € 36 295
