Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A French car manufacturer wanted to increase the skill base of their engineering team specifically in the repair and maintenance of machine tool spindles. This was a key requirement as the plant performed many machining operations in their engine and gearbox components manufacturing. NSK was consulted to do an Application Review which resulted in designing a bespoke training course focussed towards the specific machinery and working practices on site. The training was delivered in 4 sessions over a 2-day period to more than 25 engineers. This proved to be very successful with good feedback.

Training Renault NSK
  • Maintenance training for precision bearings
Logo AIP NSK Experts 874x555
  • AIP - NSK's Added Value Programme

Key Facts

  • French car manufacturer with large number of machine tools
  • Large engineering team
  • NSK was requested to provide a bespoke training course around the needs of their engineers for machine tool spindle maintenance
  • Training focussed on precision bearings for machine tool spindles
  • NSK designed training specifically around the needs of the customer

Value Proposals

  • Improvement on spindles maintenance and bearing defects
  • Internal audit and technical informations for improvement and reliability
  • NSK visited the production site and reviewed the machinery and working practices
  • A unique training course was then developed together with service packs and assessment criteria
  • 25 engineers have been trained over 4 sessions throughout a 2-day period
  • NSK provided a follow up consultancy service with ongoing support for subsequent problems encountered by the engineers

Product Features

  • Product Training - training to provide an overview of the range and capability of NSK bearings with the benefits of applying them
  • Application of NSK Bearings - Modular training menu focussing on those issues associated with the use and application of bearings
  • AIP Training - Introduction to NSK's Added Value Programme and how it can be used to solve machinery and plant problems
  • Industry Specific Training - Specific training courses covering common issues, applications and processes for bearings in industry sectors
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Training Costs: 700€ by person,
25 people trained
€ 17.500 Training Costs
Total Costs € 17 500 € 17 500
