Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A paper mill in the US  was facing frequent bearing failures on a Nip Roll. The bearing failed after just 1 year of service, which created a high cost of lost production together with significant maintenance issues.

NSK was consulted to investigate and found out that the bearing design and set-up were not appropriate. After the installation of NSK's recommended Spherical Roller bearing, no more failures occured.

Paper, paper rolls
  • Paper Rolls
Spherical Roller Bearing, brass steel cage, 2Comp
  • Spherical Roller Bearings - CAM Cage

Key Facts

  • Nip roll
  • Frequent paper roll issues due to bearing failures
  • NSK solution: Sphercial Roller bearing with improved clearance and interference fit together with set-up recommendations
  • Significant cost saving realised

Value Proposals

  • NSK experts performed an Application Review revealing an inappropriate bearing design
  • NSK proposed a replacement with a Spherical Roller bearing utilising improved internal clearance and recommendations on shaft and housing fits to achieve this
  • After the installation of the new bearing and applying the changes to the application, no failures occured 
  • Significant cost saving could be realised as machine downtime and maintenance have been eliminated 

Product Features

  • Special dimension large size Spherical Roller Bearing
  • High load capacity, super durability and wear resistance
  • High surface finish for high speed applications
  • Brass cage with large rollers for greater load capacity
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Costs of lost production: 12 hrs downtime per failure occuring 2-3 times per year @ cost of 20.000 € per hr  € 600 000 Costs of lost production: No failures occured € 0
Total Costs € 600 000 € 0
