Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A tyre manufacturer had some bearing issues on its wire manufacturing machine for the production of multi-material wires. After dismounting the machine for retrofit, some difficulties occured after the bearing re-assembly, resulting in some noise. An NSK engineer analysed the machine on site and the bearing condition. The design analysis revealed the complexity of the mounting situation compared to the application. Furthermore, the bearings were not appropriate for the load conditions. NSK made a report and recommendations for an easy, reliable mounting with standard bearing. After the modifications, the customers conducted some trials and no noise issue was detected. With the NSK solution, the reliability of bearing mounting was increased.

Automotive, Tyre
  • Wire Manufacturing Machine
Logo AIP NSK Experts 874x555
  • AIP - Added Value Programme

Key Facts

  • Wire manufacturing machine for tyres
  • Restart of machine after retrofit
  • Unexplained noise during testing
  • NSK Solution: Technical design support with detailed report and recommendations
  • The original bearing design was not appropriate for the machine
  • New design of the bearing mounting gaining time when restarting the machine
  • Significant costs savings on maintenance

Value Proposals

  • The NSK engineer conducted a full analysis and detailed report on the application
  • The results revealed that the original bearing mounting design was not appropriate to the machine
  • NSK proposed a new and more simple bearing mounting design
  • No issue was detected after trials with the new design
  • Mounting of bearings was reliable and quick

Product Features

  • Bearing condition assessment
  • Selection of optimum bearing design
  • Lifetime calculations
  • Set-up recommendations
  • Review of machine design
  • Recommended improvements for increased bearing performance
  • Drawings and data for housing and shaft fits
  • Technical report
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Bearing Costs € 0 Bearing Costs: AIP - Analysis and report
Standardisation of bearing solution
Reliability of bearing mounting
€ 2.800
Engineering Costs: Bearing mounting costs € 12.800 Engineering Costs: Bearing mounting costs € 160
Total Costs € 12 800 € 2 960
