Mood, Company

NSK Research & Development Centres

NSK Global Research & Development Centres

NSK persues the same goal in all areas: Total Quality.

By continually investing in our state-of-the-art regional R & D Centres, we ensure customers can respond to the challenges in their business environment.

Bundled know-how

  • 16 research centres worldwide
  • 10 countries
  • Approx. 2000 employees

European Technology Centre (ETC) 

  • Kielce, Poland
  • Newark, UK
  • Ratingen, Germany

5 key areas of activity

  • New product design & development
  • Detailed analysis of bearings & surrounding components
  • Application-related testing
  • Development with steel suppliers
  • Technical support for customers, distributors & manufacturing operations

European Technology Centres (ETC) - Activities

  • Product design and development: Design tools for the creation of rolling bearings.
  • Analysis of bearings and surrounding components: Various analytical systems help understand bearings and their applications. These include finite element analysis (FEA) and enhanced computer simulations.
  • Application testing: Extensive test equipment that can simulate applications such as wheel hubs, alternators, vacuum cleaners, machine tool spindles, transmissions, washing machines, and electric motors.
  • Steel development: Laboratory facilities to assess bearing steel quality. Continuous development of new steels and treatments.
  • Technical support for European customers, distributors, and manufacturing operations: Technical support through the use of state-of-the-art design tools, test equipment and laboratory facilities.