Services - 16/11/2020
Roulements pour laminoirs : nouveau module de formation en ligne ajouté à l'Académie NSK

A new training module for rolling mills has been introduced to the NSK academy online learning platform ( The latest module is targeted at those involved in specifying or maintaining bearings that need to withstand the challenging working conditions found in rolling mill applications. Like all training modules available at NSK academy, registered users attaining an 80% pass mark will receive a certificate denoting their achievement.
The nature of processes such as steelmaking and ironmaking mean that heat, contamination, heavy loads, vibration and impact are just some of the issues facing bearings required for use in rolling mills. NSK’s latest online training module aims to explain how the effects of these problems can be minimised through optimised bearing specification.
Included within the course is an overview of metal manufacturing processes, in particular the many different types of rolling mill used to form the product. Characteristics such as rolling load flow are covered in detail as this is particularly relevant for bearing design and selection.
The module also encompasses a close look at the bearing technologies best suited to particular areas of the rolling mill, such as the work roll and back-up roll assemblies, and how their attributes match up to the operating conditions typically encountered.
Correctly specified bearings promote longevity and save costs by reducing maintenance, repairs and rolling mill downtime. With this thought in mind, another major factor addressed by the new course is TCO (total cost of ownership), which draws comparisons between sealed and open-type bearings.
Bearings for Sendzimir mills, or Z-mills as they are sometimes known, are also covered in NSK’s new online course.
The training module has been devised to help rolling mill OEMs and maintainers understand the fundamental principles behind bearing selection. Those involved in product sales, technical support, maintenance, engineering or R&D can all benefit.
All those participating at the NSK academy are able to grow the knowledge they use on a daily basis, and take advantage of the latest NSK bearing solutions to maximise machine life.
Picture: The latest NSK academy training module has been devised to help equipment OEMs understand the fundamental principles behind bearing selection for rolling mills