Social Participation to Promote Social Progress

NSK’s Approach

The NSK Group strives to understand the needs of each country and region, and it trains personnel, develops technology, and promotes community-based activities accordingly. Seeking to contribute to sustainable development and continue being a company that is needed, trusted, and considered a valued member of each community, we conduct social contribution initiatives in the three priority areas of “promoting science and technology,” “development of the next generation,” and “mutual harmony and benefit with communities.”

Policy on Social Contribution Initiatives
Policy on Social Contribution Initiatives
Priority Areas and Stakeholders
PriorityRelevant Stakeholders
Promoting science and technologyLocal communities/
next generation
Providing aid to research institutions
  • Supporting the NSK Foundation for the Advancement of Mechatronics (NSK-FAM)

    NSK-FAM was established with a donation from NSK in 1988 and was approved as a public interest incorporated foundation in 2010. NSK-FAM’s purpose is to contribute to the development of Japan and the improvement of living standards by advancing mechatronics technology. It does this by providing grants for R&D, education, technology exchanges, meetings, and other activities that will spur rapid progress in the development of mechatronics technology.
    (only in Japanese)

Development of the next generationNext generation
  • Holding classes about bearings
  • Providing scholarships
  • Offering students work experience opportunities
  • Donation
  • Support for the NSK Scholarship Foundation

    NSK established the NSK Scholarship Foundation in April 2017 to support the development of the next generation of human resources.
    NSK Scholarship Foundation provides support for Japanese students studying abroad and for students from other Asian countries studying in Japan, since NSK is a Monozukuri company based in Japan, a country located in Asia. The purpose of support is to develop the highly skilled next-generation human resources who will help to solve various issues the world is facing, such as conflict and hunger, climate change countermeasures and nature conservation, an equal and fair society, and safe and healthy lifestyles.

    NSK Scholarship Foundation award ceremony held for FY2024 scholarship recipients (only in Japanese)

  • Offering online science activities for children

    NSK has been offering the STEAM Program* annually since 2018 to share the fascinating world of manufacturing with children. In FY2024, the program provided science courses for children in Fujisawa City in August and at Tohoku University in September. The teaching materials used in these courses were based on dye-sensitized solar cell technology developed by NSK.

    NSK will continue to develop the next generation of human resources by offering bearing-based science courses and other activities, in order to help build an even more prosperous society in the future.

    * The Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Program is based on an educational policy and method that focuses on these learning areas.

    Science courses for children held in Fujisawa City and at Tohoku University this year (only in Japanese)

     Children’s Future Support Fund: Introduction of Donation-type Vending Machines

Mutual harmony and benefit with communities

Local communities

  • Donating bicycle helmets to elementary schools in Shinagawa ward

    Since 2017, NSK has been donating bicycle helmets to elementary schools to give to children who did not yet own one, in accordance with the schools’ wishes, as a social contribution activity for Shinagawa ward, where NSK was founded. The Company aims to reduce injury caused by bicycle accidents and promote helmet use.