Sustainability Approach and System
Sustainability Management
Under its mission statement and management principles, NSK aims to balance its contribution to resolutions for social issues with sustainable growth as a company by creating collaborative value with all stakeholders.
Mission Statement
NSK contributes to a safer, smoother society and helps protect the global environment through its innovative technology integrating Motion & Control™. As a truly international enterprise, we are working across national boundaries to improve relationships between people throughout the world.
Management Principles
We will:
- Provide our customers with innovative and responsive solutions through our world leading technologies.
- Provide challenges and opportunities to our employees, utilizing their skills and encouraging their creativity and individuality.
- Identify the needs of the present and future, and meet these needs by being flexible, agile, and dynamic.
- Contribute to the communities in which we operate.
- Manage our business from an international perspective and develop a strong presence throughout the world.
Moreover, we have positioned fiscal 2022 to fiscal 2026, the period of the Mid-Term Management Plan 2026 (MTP2026) as a period for rebuilding NSK’s corporate foundation for sustainable growth. By undertaking the three key management tasks of “growth with profitability,” “enhancement of managerial resources” and “ESG management,” NSK aims to contribute to a sustainable world and remain a company that is needed, trusted, and continually chosen by society.
Also, NSK has formulated an SDGs Declaration and has selected seven goals that are particularly interlinked with its business, in order to help achieve the SDGs by creating collaborative value with stakeholders. While keeping these seven goals in mind, the Company has drawn up NSK’s SDGs Declaration to clarify its strategic initiatives.

Seven Sustainable Development Goals Addressed by NSK

Promotion Structure
NSK has designated “safety, quality, environment, and compliance” as core values that serve as a common standard of priority values for decision-making and actions taken by management.
We have established the Core Values Committee, comprising the president and the relevant directors. To advance NSK’s sustainability initiatives, the Committee sets company-wide issues, makes recommendations for their resolution, and monitors progress through policy discussions on the promotion and strengthening of core values and the sharing of related risks.