Mood, Company

Identification of Packaging Materials

Italian Decree No. 116 – Identification of Packaging Materials

From 1st of January 2023, the Italian Decree No. 116 of 3 September 2020 requires that all packaging placed on the Italian market is marked with appropriate alphanumeric material codes, in accordance with EC directive 97/129/EC. The purpose of the Italian decree is to inform customers of the materials used so as to aid the sorting and recycling of the waste packaging.

As an alternative to physically marking the packaging, The Italian Decree does allow for the use of digital media, including company websites,  to provide the equivalent information. The use of such digital media is seen as particularly useful for B2B (Business to Business) type operations which use a relatively large amount of neutral (unprinted) packaging as well as companies importing large amounts of imported packaged goods from countries where the marking requirements do not apply.

As a global manufacturing organisation, NSK produces a huge range of B2B products which are distributed to our customers on a global basis. Whilst it is our aim to physically mark printed packaging where we can, this will necessarily take time, particularly for products of non-EU origin.

For this reason, NSK Europe is using a dual approach of both physically marking the packaging and providing packaging material data via the NSK Europe website.

The attached file below provides information on the packaging materials used on NSK products. In the vast majority of cases this is relatively simple in composition consisting primarily of simple plastic primary wrap, and either carton board or corrugated board primary, secondary and tertiary cartons, boxes and shipping cases. For larger products, wooden primary packaging can also be used.

If any further information is needed in addition to that contained in the file, then please do not hesitate to contact your usual NSK Account Manager, or Customer Service Representative.

NSK Italia S.p.a.  
Via Garibaldi 215, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI), Italia
