Mood, Press, News

Usługi - 30/11/2020

NSK, a global supplier of motion and control solutions for industrial markets, has created a new white paper about the added value that can be provided by partnering with a proven specialist in aftermarket parts. This insightful and free-to-download white paper sets out the benefits of developing a strong supplier relationship, the competitive advantages it brings and the pathway to machine optimisation.

Although aftermarket items such as bearings, lubricants, tubing and couplings have historically been warehoused as expendable commodities, the smart, lean manufacturers of today are increasingly aware that any machine or system is only as successful as its weakest component. A sub-standard bearing, for example, can therefore prove extremely costly in the event of premature failure.

But successful supplier selection is about more than just parts, as the new NSK white paper explains. For instance, a reputable specialist in aftermarket components will be able to anticipate, organise and execute efficient, pre-scheduled maintenance and repairs.

Those reading the white paper will learn about the critical considerations required for vetting an aftermarket supplier. Additionally, readers will begin to understand the positive impact of using a supplier able to demonstrate superior quality and performance levels.

Any manufacturers wishing to bring genuine competitive gain to their maintenance or repair operations are invited to download the new NSK white paper and start their transformation journey.

The white paper is available for download here.

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