Mid-Term Management Plan


MTP2026 Progress and MTP2026 New Targets 

“Change & Go Beyond”

Aiming to be a company that continues to be needed, trusted, and chosen by society beyond 2026, we are promoting our five-year medium-term management plan, “MTP2026," from FY22 to FY26.

<Announced in May 2022> 
MTP2026: Overall Image and Positioning
MTP2026: Overall Image and Positioning
New Type of Trillion-yen Company

Portfolio reform; 10% operating margin; 10% ROE

New Type of Trillion-yen Company
<Announced in May 2024> 
MTP2026 Progress on Key Management Tasks
MTP2026 Progress on Key Management Tasks
MTP2026: New Targets
MTP2026: New Targets
Management Policy for Second Half of MTP2026 (FY24-FY26)
Management Policy for Second Half of MTP2026 (FY24-FY26)
Financial Strategy: Cash Allocation
Financial Strategy: Cash Allocation