4대 핵심기술 + 생산기술
4대 핵심기술과 그것을 구체화하는 생산기술

NSK는 기업이념에서 정하고 있는 ‘원활하고 안전한 사회와 지구환경 보전’을 실현하기 위해 항상 신기술을 추구하고 품질향상에 힘을 쏟고 있습니다. 그 기술을 지지해주는 기반이 되는 것이 4대 핵심기술인 ‘마찰’, ‘재료기술’, ‘분석기술’, ‘메카트로 기술’입니다. 그리고 또 하나의 중요한 기술로, NSK의 강점인 핵심기술을 구체화하는 ‘생산기술’입니다. 4대 핵심기술과 생산기술을 통해 태어난 기술과 제품은 세계의 산업의 발전과 사람들의 풍요로운 생활에 공헌하고 있습니다. NSK는 앞으로도 선진 기술개발에 힘쓰고 시장의 니즈에 맞는 고기능, 고품질 제품을 제공하겠습니다.
Four Core Technologies plus One

Friction on the bearing’s ball surface
"마찰"을 이해하여 컨트롤합니다.
회전 운동과 왕복 운동을 담당하는 베어링은 빠른 속도, 저소음, 내하중성, 내구성 등을 유지하기위해 향상 윤활이 필요합니다. NSK는 그리스와 고체 윤활제의 설계, 표면 처리 연구 등을 통해 특유의 높은수준의 마찰기술(마찰 제어 기술)을 개발하고 제품에 적용하고 있습니다.

Bearings utilizing ceramics and resins
Unrelenting Pursuit of Performance Durability and Reliability
Materials research and development affects nearly every aspect of product performance.
We are constantly pursuing cost and productivity while meeting ever- evolving demands for improved functionality, durability, and reliability through technologies that utilize metals, polymers, and ceramics with optimized material composition and heat treatment conditions.
Numerical Simulation

Example of bearing grease flow analysis
Simulated Recreation in Cyberspace to Predict Performance
In the past, accuracy and reliability in product development were achieved with experience-based design and longer testing periods.
NSK's simulation technology allows virtual validation to accelerate design and production. Extreme conditions or innovative designs that defy previous expectations can also be evaluated and analyzed.

Active Caster
Technology Supports People for a Convenient, Safe and Comfortable Future
Mechatronics integrates machine element technology with control technology.
By combining bearings, ball screws, and linear guides, together with motors, sensors, and computers, greater mechanical functionality is elicited with computer control. This technology enables new functions and performance in a range of industrial machinery,
automotive, and biomedicine applications. It also contributes to greater reliability, as well as to convenience and safety in daily life.
Manufacturing Engineering

Cheonan Plant in South Korea
Giving Shape to Four Core Technologies
Contributing to the environment and heightening safety and security through our Four Core Technologies requires something to breathe life into these technologies. In addition, it is essential to consistently manufacture products with high quality.
NSK tackles these issues by applying smart technology to its equipment, utilizing lot, and optimizing its overall production framework while it works to realize the creation of smart factories that economize on space, save on energy, and reduce labor requirements.
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