Corporate Philosophy

As a member of the NSK Group, NSK-Warner aims to be a “Bright, Energetic and Dreamy company” based on the NSK Corporate Philosophy(NSK Group Common Guidelines), which consists of the following four items.

Mission Statement

NSK contributes to a safer, smoother society and helps protect the global environment through its innovative technology integrating MOTION & CONTROL™. As a truly international enterprise, we are working across national boundaries to improve relationships between people throughout the world.

Management Principles

We will:

  1. Provide our customers with innovative and responsive solutions through our world leading technologies.

  2. Provide challenges and opportunities to our employees, utilizing their skills and encouraging their creativity and individuality.

  3. Identify the needs of the present and future, and meet these needs by being flexible, agile, and dynamic.

  4. Contribute to the communities in which we operate.

  5. Manage our business from an international perspective and develop a strong presence throughout the world.

Corporate Message

Responsive and Creative

Action Guidelines

- Beyond Limits, Beyond Today -

Beyond Frontiers

Beyond Individuals

Beyond Imagination

Beyond Perceptions

Challenging the Future

The above points serve as guides for putting the NSK Corporate Philosophy into action on a day-to-day basis. We aim to build a corporate culture where our members are self-motivated, encourage and support those around them, and persevere to see goals through to completion.