Creating a Dynamic Work Environment

Creating a workplace where employees can find their jobs worthwhile

NSK Group's management stance is to "respect the individuality and potential of each and every employee."

At NSK-Warner, we are working on "Utilizing a wide range of human resources“, "Creating an environment where people can work lively" and "Providing opportunities and places that contribute to growth."

Furthermore, as a basis for embodying the human resources management policy, it is indispensable to balance work and family life (work-life balance), safety and security workplace, and employees' health promotion. We will maintain and improve these through sound labor-management relations.

Labor relations
  • Systems to support a balance between work and private life
  • Labor-management relations based on dialogue
  • Respect for human rights and diversity initiatives
  • Initiatives such as work style reform and time management
  • Systems to support mental and physical refreshment and social activities
  • Human resource development
  • Health Initiatives
Systems to support a balance between work and personal life

In response to the diversifying needs of employees, while working on "creating a work environment where each employee can work comfortably", we are actively promoting work-life balance support for employees who are raising children or nursing care.

In addition, regarding support for balancing work and childcare, we are collecting opinions from employees who have experience in childcare and are designing and improving the system for making it easy to use.

(Japanese version only)Next Generation Development Support Law Action Plan(April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023) [PDF]

Main systems and initiatives
  • Childcare leave: Employees can take up to 3 years while their child is less than 3 years old at the end of April. Paid for the first 5 days.
  • Shortening working hours for childcare: Employees can shorten working hours until the end of March after the child reaches the sixth grade of elementary school.
  • Long-term care leave: Employees who care for a family member in need of long-term care can take a long-term care leave for up to 365 days.
  • Child nursing leave (unpaid): Employees can take for the purpose of child nursing / childcare.
  • Re-employment request registration system: Employees who are forced to retire due to the transfer of their spouse can register their re-employment request in advance.
  • Balance support guidebook: We have created two types (childcare and long-term care) for each target, and are using them as an opportunity to alleviate anxiety about balance and to communicate in the workplace.
  • Installation of mother space: We have set up a space where mothers can change clothes safely and comfortably according to changes in the body during pregnancy, and take care during the lactation period.
Labor-management relations based on dialogue

[1] Basic idea: Building labor-management relations based on dialogue

A healthy relationship between labor and management is indispensable for the sustainable growth of the company, and employees can communicate openly and directly with management. We are deepening the bond as mutually reliable partners by deepening communication between employees and managers, sharing the work environment and management situation, discussing and implementing improvement measures, and promoting the creation of a workplace where employees can work with enthusiasm.

[2] Labor-management consultation

NSK-Warner has a single organization of employees, the NSK-Warner Labor Union, which holds labor-management consultations once a month. At these times, opinions such as improving working conditions and environment are exchanged , and through communication between labor and management, we are aiming to solve problems. In addition, we have set up a place that the management and the labor union workplace committee members for each workplace can exchange opinions on the working environment of their own workplace.

Respect for Human Rights and Diversity

[1] Respect for fundamental rights at Work
(1)Basic approach

We believe that respecting the fundamental rights of workers is one of the most important matters in fulfilling our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen, and we are committed to corporate activities that respect equal opportunity and other fundamental rights of workers.


(2)Prohibition of discrimination and respect for fundamental rights at work

We respect the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and promote initiatives based on this concept. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, physical characteristics, creed, gender, social status, family origin, ethnicity, nationality, age, marriage, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability, as well as harassment, forced labor, and child labor. We strive to create workplaces where diverse human resources can work with enthusiasm, and to provide equal opportunities in employment situations such as recruitment, assignment, and evaluation. In addition, we make our approach to human rights known to our employees, and through our internal audits and whistle-blowing system, we identify acts that violate these principles and take prompt and appropriate action when necessary.


(3)Employment that protects the stability of both society and NSK-Warner

As a manufacturing company, we aim to achieve sustainable growth. In order to achieve this, we believe it is essential to take a long-term perspective on employment, and to continuously hire and train excellent human resources.

[2] Creating an Organization that Embraces Diversity


(1)Basic concept

NSK-Warner is committed to creating a corporate culture and workplace environment in which each and every one of our diverse human resources can make the most of their abilities and characteristics and feel fulfilled in their work. We believe that acceptance of diversity (diversity and inclusion) is the source of our competitiveness to open up the future. Specifically, we believe that employees with various backgrounds, such as gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, culture, lifestyle, and values, can develop new perspectives, ways of thinking, and ideas by exercising their respective strengths, which will lead to the strengthening of our competitiveness and the avoidance of risks.


(2)Promoting diversity

In order to create an organization where every employee understands the importance of diversity and inclusion, and respects and accepts diverse human resources and their values, we are promoting the following initiatives.


(3)Supporting women's career advancement(Japan)

We have positioned the promotion of women‘s activities as one of our management issues, and in order to promote gender diversity, we are trying to increase the ratio of women in recruitment, create an environment where women can work comfortably, support women's career development, and expand the range of positions where women can work. In addition, as a preparation for diversifying not only the number of employees and job categories, but also the human resources and values of the management level, we conduct training for female employees who are candidates for management positions (section managers and career-track employees) to raise their awareness and develop their skills.


Formulation of action plans based on the the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

With the enforcement of the "Act on Advancement of Women in Employment (The Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace), we conducted an analysis of the situation and issues related to women's activities. Based on the results, we have developed an action plan.

(Japanese version only)Action plan based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace(April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026)[PDF]


(4)Promote understanding of LGBT (SOGI)

NSK-Warner has clarified its approach to gender identity and sexual orientation (LGBT and SOGI) as follows.

We will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation, while at the same time protecting the basic human rights of those involved.

We will increase the number of employees who understand and support gender identity and sexual orientation.

We will create a work environment and corporate culture that allows employees to work actively regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.


(5)Employment of older workers: Utilizing human resources to respond to the aging of society

We recognize that the knowledge and skills of our experienced veterans are useful for the development of our business, and we have introduced a reemployment system based on our basic policy of providing work opportunities to those who wish to continue working after retirement.

In addition, we are revising our re-employment system, including working conditions, in order to ensure the stability of people's lives in accordance with the "Revised Law Concerning Stabilization of Employment of Older Persons," which came into effect in April 2021.


(6)Employment of people with disabilities: Providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities

NSK-Warner believes that providing employment opportunities to people with disabilities who have the ability and desire to work is one of the roles that a company should play, and we are working to achieve the legally mandated employment rate.

Systems to support mental and physical refreshment and social activities

Every year, employees are allowed to take three consecutive paid vacations (five consecutive holidays in milestone years), and on the 25th anniversary of their service, employees are given a leave of absence and its expenses for the purpose of consolation, mental and physical refreshment and study. In addition, we have established volunteer leave and donor leave.

Human resource development

Based on the education system chart, we provide career development from new employees to key personnel, and provide training by job level to enhance the three skill elements of conceptual skills, human skills, and technical skills.

We also have a correspondence education system for acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge for each job category and for self-development.

In order to expand globally, we provide language education through a mixture of group and individual lessons, as well as training for overseas assignments.

Health Initiatives

As a member of the NSK Group, NSK-Warner conducts health management activities in accordance with the basic policy established by NSK as follows. As a result, we were recognized as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large Enterprise Category).

NSK Health Management Basic Policy

NSK have set up "NSK Vision 2026" to "create new movements" in order to realize a smiling tomorrow where people can live more safely, securely and comfortably. In order to create this new movement and realize tomorrow full of smiles, we believe that "health of employees and their families" is the basic foundation.

Based on the recognition that the mental and physical health of employees and their family is an important asset of the company, we will promote activities that lead to “Mental health" and “Physical health," focusing on the establishment of a health-oriented management system and various initiatives for health maintenance and promotion.

As a company, we consider health maintenance and promotion to be an investment that will increase our profitability in the future, and we will continue to work on this issue in a proactive, systematic, and continuous manner.


Establishing a health-oriented management system and building a mechanism for continuous improvement


The human resources director, Corporate Planning Division, occupational health staff of the Health Promotion Office, health insurance unions, labor unions, and other related departments are working together to promote activities for health maintenance and promotion.

In addition, with the aim of promoting health management and strengthening the driving force for health promotion activities, we will create a system that enables continuous improvement through the Health Committee, which is based on the Central Health and Safety Committee.

Establishing a health-oriented management system and building a mechanism for continuous improvement
KPI as a whole health management

Improving employees motivation and engagement

  • Visualization and numerical improvement based on the results of the awareness survey


Improving employees health

  • Gradual improvement in the overall health of employees
  • Continuous decrease of the rate of employees with high stress
  • Continuous decrease of the rate of smokers
  • Improved sleep quality Conducted workshops (November 2022) 251 employees attended, including 45 shift workers


Control and prevention of overwork

  • Prevent the occurrence of overtime work of 60 hours or more.
  • Decrease in the number of employees subject to the special provisions of the 36 Agreements