Biodiversity Initiatives

Shizuoka Prefecture, where our company is headquartered, is home to one of the richest ecosystems in Japan, with the 3,000-meter-high Southern Alps and the 2,500-meter-deep Suruga Bay Trench.

As a company that manufactures products in this region, we have adopted coexistence with nature as our environmental policy and continue to engage in marine and forest conservation activities.

Marine Conservation Activities

The Enshu beach area is known as one of the best spawning grounds in Japan for the endangered loggerhead turtle.

Our company is continuously involved in sea turtle conservation activities.

Observation of hatchling turtles
Observation of hatchling turtles
Observation of hatchling turtles
Sandy beach restoration activities
Sandy beach restoration activities
Sandy beach restoration activities
Microplastic collection experience
Microplastic collection experience
Microplastic collection experience
Ocean beautification activities
Ocean beautification activities
Ocean beautification activities
Group photo of participants
Group photo of participants

Forest Conservation Activities

As global climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions becomes more serious, we have endorsed the Fukuroi City Zero Carbon City Declaration and the Kakegawa City Carbon Neutrality Promotion Ordinance, and are continuing our efforts to conserve forests as a carbon sink.

Strolling in the forest
Strolling in the forest
Strolling in the forest
Sapling Conservation
Sapling Conservation
Sapling Conservation
Group photo of participants
Group photo of participants