Environmental Policy

Basis Idea

NSK-Warner ranks the harmonizing with the environment as the most important issue of business activities and promote it continuously to decide the Environmental policy as a company that contributes to an environmentally sustainable society.

Code of Conduct
  1.  To continuously improve to prevent the interference with the environment and to promote the prevention of environmental pollution, setting and revising the environmental aim and target by always understanding the environmental aspect related to our business activities.
  2. To more aggressively tackle environmental protection by setting and adhering to high internal standards as much as possible within technical and economic limits in addition to complying with laws, ordinances, and local agreements.

  3. To reduce the effect on biodiversity and the environmental impact through the product lifecycle at all stages (Design, Development, Procurement, Production, Distribution, Use, Disposal)

    1) Energy conservation–contribute to the prevention of global warming by saving to reduce the emission of CO2.

    2) To ensure energy and resource conservation to reduce & control the industrial waste appropriately.

    3) To establish the systems for the management of chemical substances in products to reduce the environmental impact emissions from chemical substances by promoting the switch to environmentally friendly alternative substances.

    4) To prioritize the procurement and purchase of low environmental impact resources for materials , components and products.

  4. To reform environmental management organizations by improving operational systems and clarifying chains of responsibility.

  5. To encourage our employees and all related persons for us to understand our environmental policies and to ensure an environmental mindset in the company.

  6. To announce our environmental policies to the public as required.

  7. To disclose the ongoing status of our environmental management activities to the public as needed.

July 1, 2018
NSK-Warner K.K.
Representative Director/President Minoru Arai