Social Contribution Activities
We conduct the following activities.
Development of the Next Generation
Acceptance of internships, factory training, and factory tours
We accept internships, factory training, and factory tours by request from the community.

Support for "Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan"
We support the competition held in ECOPA, adjacent to the company, which competes for the comprehensive strength of "manufacturing."

Environment Protection
Cleaning activity, Plant flowers
We clean and plant flowers on the sidewalk of "Memorial Road" from JR Aino Station to ECOPA.

No-car day
As part of measures against global warming, we conduct no-car days when employees refrain from using their own cars when commuting.
Traffic Safety
We conduct traffic safety activities during the National Traffic Safety Campaign to prevent traffic accidents.

Sponsorship of K-mix Safety Drive Campaign "Challenge Rally 150"
We sponsor a campaign of “Everyone challenge for 150 days without car accidents and traffic violations!“.

Community Coexistence
Aino Festival
It is an opportunity for local people, employees and their families to enjoy together.

Open car parking lot without charge
We open parking lots without charge at the request of the community.

Support for Local Events
We support local events.

Donation to Cambodia
We, company and union, conduct fund-raising activities and stationery collection activities and donate to Cambodia.
Sponsor of local sports teams
We support the soccer club teams "Fukuroi FC" and "Fukuroi FC Ladies" based in Fukuroi.

Donation to Kuno Castle Ruins Maintenance

Donation to Hospital Arts Project Shizuoka
We donate to "Hospital Art Project Shizuoka", which is mainly conducted by students of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture.