_ with Motion & Control

NSK has provided innovative solutions in Motion & Control™ since our founding in 1916. From our homes to high-tech factories and from massive construction equipment to tiny medical devices, we help keep the world moving smoothly and precisely. We strive to be at the forefront of uncovering and responding society’s needs, driving the future through new motion beyond imagination.
Setting the Future in Motion
For over 100 years, NSK has worked tirelessly to create new motion in society by developing and manufacturing bearings, steering systems, precision machine components, and more.
"Swinging with Motion & Control" showcaases NSK's unmatched adapatability—our defining readiness to swing into action and move towards the future in all directions.

What is Motion & Control?

Following the blazing development speed of modern technologies, frontrunners take on incredible challenges in pursuit of autonomous driving, smart factories, humanoid robots, and more. These applications go beyond purely digital solutions, requiring advanced hardware counterparts. Motion & Control is all about turning these dream projects into reality with highly responsive physical components that can safely and accurately translate computer commands into real-world action.
NSK’s Motion & Control products and technologies provide comfort and convenience by keeping things moving all around you: they’re found in cars, planes, air conditioners, vacuums, medical equipment, wind turbines, satellites, and almost anything with moving parts.